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idope - torrent
Oversampled - PORTIFY - Porter Robinson Type Serum Preset Pack
SEED: 41
AGE: 1 years
SIZE: 81.4 MB
Magnet Uri
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idope - torrent
Listed files total 82 files
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BASS - Years Of War II.fxp
4.3 MB
BASS - Years Of War I.fxp
4.3 MB
BASS - Hear The Bells II.fxp
4.3 MB
LEAD - Hear The Bells.fxp
4.3 MB
BASS - Years Of War.fxp
4.3 MB
ARP - Hear The Bells I.fxp
4.3 MB
CHORD - Flicker I.fxp
4.3 MB
CHORD - Natural Light I.fxp
4.3 MB
CHORD - Sad Machine.fxp
4.3 MB
PAD - Natural Light.fxp
4.3 MB
CHORD - Polygon Dust.fxp
4.3 MB
LEAD - Sad Machine.fxp
4.3 MB
PLUCK - Goodbye To A World.fxp
3.0 MB
KEYS - Voice Drops.fxp
2.7 MB
LEAD - Machine.fxp
2.4 MB
LEAD - Divinity.fxp
2.3 MB
LEAD - Cute Glass.fxp
2.1 MB
LEAD - Cello.fxp
2.0 MB
LEAD - Violin.fxp
2.0 MB
LEAD - Harmonic.fxp
2.0 MB
PLUCK - Sad Machine.fxp
1.8 MB
PAD - 80's.fxp
1.8 MB
PAD - Polygon Dust II.fxp
1.7 MB
LEAD - Flicker II.fxp
1.7 MB
LEAD - Polygon Dust.fxp
1.7 MB
KEYS - Bells.fxp
956.7 KB
KEYS - Kongs.fxp
347.9 KB
BASS - Fresh Static Snow.fxp
324.3 KB
PLUCK - Divinity.fxp
307.9 KB
BASS - Lionhearted.fxp
293.0 KB
BASS - Polygon Dust.fxp
293.0 KB
PAD - Polygon Dust.fxp
21.7 KB
LEAD - Years Of War.fxp
21.6 KB
LEAD - Years.fxp
19.1 KB
PAD - Sea Of Voices Strings.fxp
8.1 KB
LEAD - Goodbye To A World.fxp
7.9 KB
CHORD - Fast As Light.fxp
5.4 KB
ARP - Fresh Static Snow.fxp
5.3 KB
LEAD - Flicker III.fxp
5.3 KB
PAD - Fresh Static Snow.fxp
5.3 KB
KEYS - Fresh Static Snow.fxp
5.3 KB
CHORD - Happy.fxp
5.2 KB
LEAD - Flicker I.fxp
5.2 KB
CHORD - Midistorted.fxp
5.2 KB
BASS - Hear The Bells I.fxp
5.1 KB
PAD - Hear The Bells.fxp
5.0 KB
PLUCK - Arp ME.fxp
4.9 KB
ARP - Sea Of Voices I.fxp
4.8 KB
ARP - Sea Of Voices II.fxp
4.8 KB
BASS - Badass.fxp
4.8 KB

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